Hasbro Children's Hospital
Grief is a journey we travel individually and collectively.

Grief Support

Grief Groups

There are a variety of resource groups throughout Southern New England, each with its own purpose and mission, that offer counseling, compassion, and companionship for those grieving the loss of a loved one. 

  • Hasbro Children’s Hospital Oncology Grief Group
  • Hasbro Children’s Hospital All Loss Grief Group

For more information on Hasbro Grief Groups please call 401-444-7567 or email bereavement@lifespan.org.

Below are some that may help you and your family:

  • Compassionate Friends, Providence Chapter: A self-help organization offering friendship, understanding, and hope to families that have experienced the death of a child.
  • FRIENDS WAY: Rhode Island’s only children’s bereavement center offering open-ended groups for children ages 3 to 18 and their families following the death of a significant person in their lives.

Grief Camps

A camp experience offers a safe, interactive, and fun environment to explore grief, learn essential coping skills, and experience community with others who are also grieving. 

Consider these opportunities:

  • Camp Braveheart is HopeHealth's summer children's grief support camp in Massachusetts and Rhode Island for kids ages 4 to 17.
  • Comfort Zone Camp transforms the lives of children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, primary caregiver, or significant person.