On September 8, Scott, a healthcare worker, was assaulted by a patient and severely injured while on the job. Scott has dedicated more than two decades of his life to caring for patients. Since this tragic event, hundreds of employees and community members have expressed their thoughts and prayers for Scott’s recovery.
Keep healthcare workers safe. Show your support with #ScottStrong.
Protecting Our Healthcare Workers
Did you know that the prevalence of workplace violence in healthcare is higher than in most other professions? Healthcare workers here in Rhode Island and throughout the country are increasingly subject to threats, verbal and physical abuse, and other violent behavior as they simply try to do their jobs.
The following national statistics paint a stark picture of the challenges US healthcare workers face daily—and these numbers may in fact be much higher, as violent incidents at work are often underreported.

Assault of healthcare workers in Rhode Island is a very serious charge.
Any person who assaults a healthcare worker and/or emergency medical services personnel while that worker is engaged in providing healthcare services shall be deemed to have committed a felony and may be imprisoned. Know the law (read at state.ri.us).
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For Healthcare Workers
1. Learn |
Participate in training on how to recognize the potential for violence, how to employ de-escalation techniques, and how to seek assistance to prevent or respond to violence. Become familiar with your organization’s workplace violence prevention program and policies. |
2. Report |
Speak up if you are threatened or harmed, or if you witness violence against someone else, and report abusive or violent incidents promptly. |
3. Participate |
Increase awareness by talking to your colleagues, leaders, family, and friends about workplace violence. |
New Workplace Violence Safety Standards
The Joint Commission, which accredits and certifies more than 22,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States, introduced new workplace violence prevention requirements for hospitals, effective January 1, 2022. The new requirements address workplace violence prevention policies and procedures, leadership oversight, reporting systems, training, education, and more.
See the new requirements at www.jointcommission.org.